Code LOVE == 10% Rabatt, 100% Love! Schön, dass du hier bist! Schau dich in Ruhe um, und bei Fragen sind wir gerne für dich da. ❤️ 📣 😀
Gratis-Versand in DE ab 35 EUR Warenwert! FREE SHIPPING international (EU + Worldwide) starts at 125 EUR — Remind me later!

Really glad you are here — why not drop us an email or follow us on Instagram! We'd love to hear from you.


Say hello, drop us an email, we'd love to hear from you:

New project enquiries

Would you like to discuss a new project? Brilliant! Let us know, we'd love to discuss new projects and ideas!

Become a retailer / Wholesale

Let's work together! We are always looking for new opportunities, both in e-commerce and local retail. Read more details or get in touch right now:

Press inquiries

Do you want to publish something about our studio? We'd love to read your story! Let us know if you need anything:


Call us: 0049 0176 4901 1759
Or send an email to:

Snail mail

Heidemann und Klein GbR / Stellavie
Arnkielstrasse 16
22769 Hamburg


stellavie @ instagram
stellavie @ facebook
stellavie @ twitter

Icon: Love – We are 100% committed

We are 100% committed

From first impression to final delivery: everything that we would expect from a good store ourselves. We offer safe payments (SSL-encrypted connections) and accept all major credit cards. Turnarounds are fast & reliable with FREE shipping starting at 125 EUR.

Icon: Support – How can we help?

How can we help?

Our FAQ-Area is a good place to start. You can also reach out at — we are here for you.

© 2023 Heidemann und Klein GbR / Stellavie