Code LOVE == 10% Rabatt, 100% Love! Schön, dass du hier bist! Schau dich in Ruhe um, und bei Fragen sind wir gerne für dich da. ❤️ 📣 😀
Gratis-Versand in DE ab 35 EUR Warenwert! FREE SHIPPING international (EU + Worldwide) starts at 125 EUR — Remind me later!


Legal information

Responsible for the content of these pages:
Steffen Heidemann, Viktoria Klein

Heidemann und Klein GbR / Stellavie
Arnkielstrasse 16
22769 Hamburg

Tel: 0049 (0)176 4901 1759

VAT-Id: DE307281839
Court of jurisdiction: Hamburg

Authorized representatives:
Steffen Heidemann, Viktoria Klein


Plattform der EU-Kommission zur Online-Streitbeilegung:

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All content (for example text, images, products, layout) is the property of Heidemann und Klein GbR and protected by national and international copyright laws and may not be copied or duplicated in whole or in part, or given to any other person, entity, enterprise, or company without consent and prior written permission.

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Despite careful control of content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. For the content of linked pages, the operator of those pages is exclusively responsible.


Terms and conditions
Privacy statement
Return policy

Icon: Love – We are 100% committed

We are 100% committed

From first impression to final delivery: everything that we would expect from a good store ourselves. We offer safe payments (SSL-encrypted connections) and accept all major credit cards. Turnarounds are fast & reliable with FREE shipping starting at 125 EUR.

Icon: Support – How can we help?

How can we help?

Our FAQ-Area is a good place to start. You can also reach out at — we are here for you.

© 2023 Heidemann und Klein GbR / Stellavie